

The hue of “sunburnt” boards is due to the action of the sun, rain, snow and wind over years. It may differ, as the boards might have faced different directions while a part of an original house: from light brown (eastern and western side), grey (northern side), to dark brown (southern side). Cavities between growth rings are a consequence of years of wind blowing and rain washing parenchyma out of the wood, to create finally such spectacular structure. Its hue has been painted by the sun itself – a colour that you cannot otherwise imitate with any aging technique.  

Isn’t it  incredible that you can own a treasure of history in a form of a wall or ceiling board? They can make you ponder over persons from a hundred years ago, whose efforts made it possible for you to have this unique décor in your home. You can visualise a wood cutter making his way through drifts of snow to cut a tree in the woods and, with the help of his horses, drag the log back home to further debark it, saw it and smooth boards by hand to finally cover his house with them. Today boards and beams for house construction are available without such hard work. Let us, however, remember our ancestors and the hard work they had to invest for Regalia boards to be part of your interior today. Our old boards fit perfectly every interior: they go together with cosy rustic elements or stand in contrast with modern simple and cold surfaces and materials.